Sunday, 21 January 2018

Next Steps After a Traffic Violation

There are many types of traffic violations that are cited daily but speeding is among the highest. Approximately 112,000 speeding tickets are given out each day in the United States. Out of these, many of them include other citations as well such as reckless driving and driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI/DWI). Wagoner Attorneys Law Office would like to share what your next steps should be after being caught violating a traffic law.

Gather Information

Right after a person is accused of a traffic violation, they are most likely in a state of shock and panic. Traffic tickets are often very expensive and cause insurance rates to skyrocket. They are also very inconvenient because of court dates and driving classes. In some states, traffic violations create points that go against a person's drivers license. Once so many points are received, the person's license can be revoked. One of the first things to do after receiving a traffic citation is to call the phone number on the ticket and find out the fine and if there are any other options available. If there are other options available, make sure to secure the dates. This would include any court dates that are given and need to be attended by the offender.

Contact an Attorney

If the traffic violation is a DUI, having an attorney will be imperative to the case. It is almost unheard of to try and fight this without an attorney. Some attorneys take cases to fight speeding ticket violations but these can mostly be fought independently. Paying for a private attorney in any type of traffic violation can often result in lowered fines and a better negotiation for the punishment. For example, instead of a suspended license or jail time, an attorney may be able to negotiate a fine, driving school or community service hours.

Appearance in Court

Once it is time for the court appearance, the attorney will often attend with the defender. Since many cases are heard on the same day, there may be a bit of a wait. Typically, cases are called up by last name alphabetical order. A plea of guilty or not guilty will be entered once the officer and defendant or defendant's attorney is called to approach the bench. It will be at that point that it is up to the attorney to argue on behalf of the defender. Once both sides have told their story, the judge will then make a verdict in the case.

There are many law offices that will provide a Free legal consultation for traffic violations. After they agree to take the case, a retainer fee may be required. For more information on traffic law violation representation, visit Wagoner Attorneys Law Office online at Free legal consultation.

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